Why Not “Go Off To Rehab”?

One of the most pervasive myths “everyone knows” is that you have to “go off to rehab” for 30, 60, or even 90 days in order to leave alcohol problems behind.  With some very rare exceptions, going to residential treatment is a waste of time, money, effort, and reputation, and won’t have any benefit.

Why the myth? Selling something everyone has been conned into believing is easy marketing. That wouldn’t be so bad if it worked, but mostly it doesn’t. Even when it does, “success” has little to do with the program offerings.

Yes, residential rehabs offer a nice escape for you —  and spouses and family may sleep better thinking you’re safe for awhile. They can also enjoy the thought of punishing you for whatever real or imagined trials you’ve put them through.

But that doesn’t fix anything. Traditional American alcohol rehab amounts to little more then spending your time doing meaningless “filler” activities interspersed with AA meetings, other 12 Step Work, and similar things you could have gotten for free at a church near you.

No, you don’t have to leave home, or pay anything, if AA is going to work for you.

If you remember Hans Christian Anderson’s story “The Emperor’s New Suit” from your childhood, you’ll pretty much have an accurate picture of the “tailors” who are selling residential rehab– and, yes, Mary Ellen and I do play the part of the little boy in the crowd.

Ready for some actual help? Then think about doing a cost/benefit analysis of the options.

We provide you with over 40 hrs of individual services — they’re offering less than 1 hour a week;

We’re both professionals with over 20 years of experience — they’re usually para-professionals who’ve passed a test on AA;

We’re confidential — they’re public;

We’re research based — they’re based on joining a cult;

We’re empowering — they’re demeaning;

We’re custom designed — they’re one-size-fits-all;

We’re effective — they’re not…

Want to know more? The answers are a phone call away.

Addiction Diagnosis May Rise Under DSM-V

The Diagnosis and Statistical Manual, the “DSM,” is the psychiatrists’, psychologists’ and therapists’ guide to what is a fundable label.

In other words, it’s the Big Book of what insurance will have to pay for.

Under the proposed guidelines in the next edition, DSM-V, the criteria for alcohol dependence, “alcoholism,” will be lowered.

So what?

It means all of you who are abusing alcohol — 85% of our readers — will suddenly be lumped into the alcohol dependent “alcoholic” diagnosis.

Granted that that’s something 98% of all treatment programs do already, but it still means that you are at increased risk of having that label applied in other settings, including your doctor’s office.

Remember, once that label is affixed, you’ll never shed it, no matter how inaccurate it is.

Here we take the old fashioned view of diagnosis — yes, we look at your problems, but we’re also looking at your strengths, abilities, and interests. We’re assessing the tools you have, new ones you can acquire, and honing them to fix the problems, not wallowing in them.

  •  Strong or powerless?
  • Mindful or mindless?
  • Competent or helpless?
  • Smart or stupid?

Which categories do you belong in?

Links to Success!

Alcohol Abuse, Alcoholism, and 12 Step Programs That Can’t Tell the Difference

“How Can You Possibly Cure My Years of Alcohol Abuse in Just 5 Days?”

Ending Alcohol Abuse: What Works

Menopause and Alcohol Abuse

Smart Women and Alcohol Abuse

Ten Things I Wish I’d Known Before I Sent My Brother Off To Rehab

The Bucket of Crabs, or Why AA and Alanon are Bad For Your Health